student projects design 2016-17

student projects design 2016-17

Product innovation

Project title

Name of the students

Project description

Software tool

Developing Linux OS
From Scratch

SainadhJamalpur, Mani Venakata Kumar, Naveen Kodali, IvnsSai

Developing entire Linux OS from scratch the low-level software that supports a computer’s basic functions, such as scheduling tasks and controlling peripherals. An operating system (OS) is system software that manages computer hardware.

Internet of Things

Garduino Using  IOT

YeswanthJanjam, N Varun , N V G K Vamsi, R Naveen, D Akash

Using Arduino and other sensors we can create this instructable is a guide for setting up an automated gardening system using an arduino and other cheap electronic parts.  It allows sustainable gardening by using sensors.

Chemical and Electrical

Electricity From Trees

N.Gopi Krishna, K.Sai Kumar, K Vishnu Vardhan Reddy, I.Aryama

We can obtain electricity during the process of photosynthesis. Researchers have figured out a way to plug into the power generated by trees Scientists have known for some time that plants can conduct electricity.

Internet Application

Obstacle Detector

HarshithaPokuri, RamisettyBindu, ChejarlaMeghana, ChanumoluMadhuri

We have designed a simple robot which detects obstacles and correspondingly changes its direction to avoid collisions. The basic concept of IR(infrared) obstacle detection is to transmit the IR signal(radiation) in a direction and  a signal is received  at the IR receiver.

Internet of Things

Wireless Charging

GunaSekhar, Krishna Vamsi, MadhuKiranVemuri, Sundeep, Narasimha Rao

A device with wireless charging capability and a compatible wireless charger. Plug the charger into a wall outlet and place your device on it to power up. It’s that simple.