Rolex in the area of superior and complicated useful timepieces will be in a respected place .

NBA Accreditation The college has been putting in its sincere efforts to maintain high quality in academics and would like to ensure conducive learning environment on the campus. The spirit of the college is understood in getting it accredited much before the state government’s decision to accord additional fee from the students of the accredited departments. The college was accredited in the year 1998 for the first time, and subsequently in 2005 and 2009 & 2014. The NBA peer teams expressed their satisfaction over almost all the facilities, teaching-learning processes, student performance; motivation levels of the teachers and thereby, the potential of the college for excellence.

S.No. Name of the Programme Basics of Evaluation Accreditation Status Period of Validity
1 Computer Science & Engineering Tier-1 Accredited A.Y. 2021-22 i.e upto 30-06-2022
2 Electronics & Communication Engineering Tier-1 Accredited A.Y. 2021-22 i.e upto 30-06-2022
3 Mechanical Engineering Tier-1 Accredited A.Y. 2021-22 i.e upto 30-06-2022

NAAC Accreditation Accredited by NAAC with A+ grade for a period of five years with a CGPA of 3.38.

Regular ISO certification Instead of clamoring for ensuring quality management systems with the age old or conventional methods of documentation and up gradation, the college has realized the need for adapting internationally renowned and a multi dimensional quality management system being developed.

Hence, the college obtained ISO 9001:2000 certifications initially in the year 2004 and has been renewing it. Consequent on the conferment of autonomy on the college, the institution scaled up its certification potential by widening its domain by obtaining certification for the design process also.  As a result, the college secured ISO 9001:2015 Certification.

Autonomous status The University Grants commission after a thorough academic and administrative audit conferred autonomous status on the college in the year 2006. It is worth mentioning here that there are very few autonomous engineering colleges in the state of Andhra Pradesh.UGC Joint Expert Committee visited the college on 29th and 30th June 2012 and evaluated the academic and administrative procedure for running the Autonomous status for granting the extension of autonomous status beyond 2012. UGC granted extension of autonomy for a period of 6 years w.e.f. 2012-13 to 2017-18. Subsequently, the UGC has once again accorded extension of autonomous status to the college for a period of 10 years i.e. up to 2027-28. It is gratifying to state that our college is first private engineering college in the state to have extension of autonomous status without a physical visit based on the fulfillment of relevant stringent norms.

Recognized by the Institution of Engineers (India) The courses run by the college are recognized by the Institution of Engineers (India) which shows that the curriculum and its execution are undoubtedly of noteworthy standards.


Accredited by TCS While seeking autonomy from the UGC, the college thought that it would be beneficial if the corporate ethos is understood in order that the curriculum can be planned in such a manner that the products would be industry ready. In the process, the college went for accreditation from the TCS in the year 2006 and re-accredited in the year 2011 with B grade.

College secured Good ratings in the surveys conducted by the CSR, Outlook, EC for you, Data Quest and India Today etc. The ratings represent the constant up gradation of the college in terms of its infrastructure, courses, research activities, continuing education programmers etc.,

Ph.D Admissions are open: click to apply and last date to apply 14th-Aug-2024|| B.Tech Program (all branches in Engineering) Admissions under VRSEC, Deemed to be University closes on 01.08.2024 at 05:00 PM